Request Dramm Consumer Product Support

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You should be able to find the product name on the product or receipt of purchase. If unavailable, you can upload a photo below.
This can also be found on the product or the receipt. If a UPC is unavailable, a photo will work. You can upload one below.
The inclusion of a photograph will expedite your request by helping us identify the problem. If possible, please upload a close-up photo detailing the malfunction. You can upload a maximum of 3 photos in these four formats: jpg, gif, png, and pdf. Maximum file size is 32 MB. If you get an error when attaching a photo, try re-saving your image at a smaller size and/or lower quality. If you are having problems uploading a photo, you can submit this form without one.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB, Max. files: 3.
    Please be specific. Your comments will not only help us understand your specific problem, but will help us refine the product in the future.
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