Sorry! Dramm has not produced a get-ready-for-Spring exercise video. We know growers work hard enough all Spring not to need it.

However, we do have a wide variety of videos all designed to help you grow, use our products and care for your equipment.

* How to water.
* Choosing the right tool.
* How to use your Autofog.
* How to maintain your Autofog.
* How to use your pulsFOG.
* How to maintain your pulsFOG.
* and many more...

Our entire video library is below and can also be found throughout our website or on our YouTube page. We are always adding new titles, check back often.

We would like to thank Ivan Tchakarov, Chris Holshouser and Metrolina Greenhouses for their participation in this April Fools joke. They have all been extremely good sports.

The playlist above includes both of our How-To-Water videos.


Sorry! Dramm has not produced a get-ready-for-Spring exercise video. We know growers work hard enough all Spring not to need it.

However, we do have a wide variety of videos all designed to help you grow, use our products and care for your equipment.

* How to water.
* Choosing the right tool.
* How to use your Autofog.
* How to maintain your Autofog.
* How to use your pulsFOG.
* How to maintain your pulsFOG.
* and many more...

Our entire video library is below and can also be found throughout our website or on our YouTube page. We are always adding new titles, check back often.

We would like to thank Ivan Tchakarov, Chris Holshouser and Metrolina Greenhouses for their participation in this April Fools joke. They have all been extremely good sports.

The playlist above includes both of our How-To-Water videos.